Friday, April 18, 2008

uh oh


Anonymous said...

And this is saposed to mean what?

Anonymous said...

I find it amusing that after we said that Devon Soltendieck has not been on MOD oftain yeah know he just happens to be on much today.

Mark David said...

I think we're closing in now. We may have just blown this thing wide open as a result of our collective sleuthing. And Devon actually does the news for MoD. I found that out recently. Hey phreakster, is something wrong? You seem scared. Looks like I just evened the score. Matsuto77 1, Phreak615 1.

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. "you just can't cetch me I don't know what it is. Join in @" well that adds question but I think were still on track.

TaylorDawn said...

may I ask why I see your video things on MOD? does MOD know your doing that, because when it happens matte and leah just keep talking... its a little weird... so what is it your doing?

Mark David said...

We're definitely on track, Darkness. Looks like his steam locomotive powered by coal - in other words, the videos he was sent by those kids - is losing to my diesel-powered locomotive powered by diesel fuel - in other words, you and the others who have helped me. The race to the station - in other words, the solution - is on.

Anonymous said...

"devan Vs. deackenator." "you know cus the deveon has a alterego also.. who I can't tell you yet"

Spenny said...

So, matte on much just said Devon has an alter ego.
Could this be Phreak?
I think so, there is just way to much in common.
From what everyone is saying here, it makes so much sense.

Anonymous said...

yeah lol.

Spenny said...

so yeah, i didnt realize we both posted that...
it made me look so stupid...
whatever, still

Anonymous said...

Yeah hopfully they show his Identity today.. but knowing much doubt it. But then again Phreak615 did say that this Hoax would last a week.

Spenny said...

true, i think its pretty funny that this is all still going on
it will all end soon, im sure of it

HeatVision_and_Jack said...

darkness. enough with all the noise.
guys, this devon thing has got to be a sidetrack.

the site is back up. what does it all mean?

Anonymous said...

Do they look similar?

Anonymous said...

Wait.. Theirs has to be more then this. I know it. he has been cluing in on somthing bigger. Polybius!.. Wolf, Demosthenes, 24 10,615. Polybius Project -- Phase III. I could be wrong but this little bit on info is alittle to interesting to pass up checking out.

Anonymous said...

Errg.. you got slightly head of me heatvision_and_jack

HeatVision_and_Jack said...

i've been pressing 'reload' for hours.

i think the error screens were using more bandwidth than my torrents!

Unknown said...

omg why are you doing this to much music!! your soo stupid!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nature of Betrayal said...

same nose, same lips except for the upper lip, but that could be because the mask is pulling his face back in the phreak photo.Same high forehead. His face seems thinner in the phreak photo but maybe because hes lost weight since the other one was taken, or again an effect of the mask- i dont know because i rarely watch muchmusic and havent seen him in ages.

Har Har. I really wish it had been a hacker

you are the QUEEN of douches.

Unknown said...

LOL darkness you are making a fool of yourself. read Ender's Game and you will know what the post and Locke and demonesthenes is about. its one thing to take a shot in the dark, its another to continuely go off on those shots and make more and more shots. you are so far off track now its laughable.

Anonymous said...

DUDE!! It says XJ!! I'm as shocked as you. Now what? Need more clues as to the participant ID and password.

Anonymous said...

Idk.. I give up lol. I was making a hunch but could be wrong. I have not read Ender's Game. but yeah I have noticed connection but it's way to crazy for me. L8r ppls.

thrillkill said...

about the whole devon deal, here is what i found interesting on a much music site:

"Devon is always ready to voice his informed opinion and dish an intelligent take on the topic at hand"

and most importantly:

"preferring to make up rules as he goes, rather than follow the ones laid before him"

alotho im not convinced on any conspiracy.. this sounding closely to our "phreak" but what would really crack this theroy is if someone knew if devon had a brother?? in one of the blogs the phreak mentions his brother. keep up the work!

Expert said...

You're reading too much into it, if MuchMusic was behind this - they'd be in serious trouble. As a viral ad they've faked the domain information a crime that is punishable - the domain could be taken away if someone reports it.

A company like Much would have used a registry hider to protect such information. I don't believe this to be an inside job, it seems like a viral ad but I don't think they would be so brazen and stupid to falsify that kind of information. If they are, I'd hope they get a severe punishment - but then again I'm not a fan of Bell GlobeMedia.

thrillkill said...

and im not a fan of jan.

look at all the shit you just wrote? are you not looking to far into this either?


Expert said...

looking too far as in making assertions with no actual proof. And I'm not fond you of either.

Anonymous said...

wow, i never even thought of it being devon! good job guys! i hope we found out soon what this is all about! if not, it is seriously going to start getting on my nerves.

thrillkill said...

ha, my whole comment was based on factual evidence. I was just pointing out the fact that we can get to the end of this devon thing if we knew if he had a brother. duh. maybe jan should stop being so iliterate. well im done following this and trying to help out. good luck to all.

Anonymous said...

Heh this is too fuckin funny ok guys heres somthing a video I made for the purple mask soo called "hacker"

Anonymous said...

Yes, Devon has a brother. I don't know if anyone remembers farther back, but there was a Valentine's Special years ago (at least 4 years ago) on MuchMusic that Devon hosted along with his brother. That was the only time his brother has ever made an appearance on MuchMusic as far as I know, but it's solid proof. They had some physical resemblance as well so it wasn't someone pretending to be his brother for the sake of tv.

I suspected then that Devon's brother probably worked for MuchMusic, though not a host, or else it's not likely they would have chosen him as a co-host for that program. Phreak615 has shown some proof that he works for MuchMusic.

Anonymous said...

I looked... but i couldn't find The Complete and Concise History of Phreak615s’s Left Bicep. I asked the librarian, and after giving me a funny look, she searched on the computer, and couldn't find it at all. It depresses me...
On your next broadcast/video, you should say "You guys are nothing but animals."

Unknown said...

I think this is over. I sent him an e-mail a few days ago and he still hasn't responded. He responded to my first three but in the last one I asked him if he knew a Mr.Bonneville who worked at much(I go to school with his son btw).

If it's Devon then I guess that'd be pretty lame. I'm hoping this is still legit.

Anonymous said...

lol youve got to be kidding me that people are actually buying this. all this is, is a publicity stunt to get people to watch much more often thats it thats all

brains said...

Well, it's not working for me. The only thing I ever watch on Muchmusic is Girlicious (shhh, don't tell anyone) and while flipping through the channels stopped briefly at video on trial last week (a very interesting part), which is what got me into this. To be honest I haven't watched Muchmusic since then (not even Girlicious). But I have been thinking about the channel a lot. Funny that.

Expert said...

some people will find any reason to troll at others.

Interesting to see how this plays out ...i just hope it has an actual ending, as opposed to every one just left wondering whether it was a viral ad or whether it was legitimate.

Rocero said...

The thing is, Phreak615 has completely succeeded in his "mission". Look at all the people here who care about Phreak615. Look at how many people post on his blog. Look at how many people are making their own blogs. Look at all the videos made either for him or about him. Look at the views these videos are getting.

People have been watching Much Music MORE OFTEN just to see the "interferenes".

Phreak615 wins, regardless of what happens in the end.

Phreak615 - 1
Us - Suckers

One Rad Dad said...

Has it even occured to anyone that maybe this is legitimate, and maybe he has finally been caught and or the risk of broadcasting is just too great because they are on to him? I don't know I could be wrong, but ever since this "uh oh" post I haven't seen the Phreak on air. For everyones sake I hope this is a viral ad, because if all this plays out the way I think it will, there is gonna be a severe case of foot in mouth going around!

TaylorDawn said...

ok, I had Much on last night, and it was playing Much Loud or something (I wasn't paying much attention) and like three times Phreak came on, so yes, this is still going on.

One Rad Dad said...

I was also watching Loud but didn't notice him, but it was nearly 4 in the morning, and I was pretty hammered! Starting to become a nail biter!

TaylorDawn said...

yea, it was around that time, and I was very sober lol but yes, at least three times the Phreak came on, during just one show, and it caught my attention. I didn't expect to see him. so nevertheless, he's still doing it.

Anonymous said...

i know the last time i saw him, was last week and he appeared twice in like, half and hour. and i haven't seen him since. i don't watch Much alot, usually just during there video flows and video on trial, and that's the only time i noticed him. Never during the O.C or Girlicious or anything.