Friday, April 11, 2008

Drama. Drama. Drama.

Check out the email I just got.


disposableidentity said...

"Technical disruptions"?
That's funny.

Dark.Charmer said...

Ha this makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

If you're going to fake something, fucking at least send it to yourself.

For those that are idiots:
If you receive it, it has a FROM line AND a TO line. This only has a TO line, and the TO line is editable.

Nice try to fake, you're obviously on your Mac too much to know how to fake a windows screen grab.

ElroyCohen said...

Failing that, the 'send' button is a wee bit of a giveaway. Don't get that too often with incoming email. This bores me.

Zate said...
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Zate said...

dude! you are my fucking hero! but one tiny question. why much?