Thursday, May 8, 2008

So you think you can Photoshop

Email your love. Email your hate. To


Anonymous said...

No Photoshop required

Unknown said...

lol, clever xj.

hey, phreak.. c'mon, don't show us a greenscreen after pretending to go to london and france.

comments and hits are dropping eh?

i wonder, if i were to actually spoof/blog would my traffic suck this bad?

Anonymous said...

phreak, we are on the hunt for you. You can run, you can hide, but we have to power to issue an arrest warrant and apprehend you for your unorthodox acts.

Lorrenzo said...
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Lorrenzo said...

couple minute job.

nothing great, I found it mildly humorous.

Also, I'm trying to get a video up of me for you.
will be up soon.

Zate said...

apparently phreak is scared of me. or else he would have responded to my comment. guess he's just scared of a little competition.

disposableidentity said...

No way the Europe footage was green screen. He was actually there. (See a bunch of earlier posts on the Phreak's France and UK clips).

This doesn't look like green screen either. From the reflection in the goggles it looks more like a snapshot in an office (bedroom?) than a studio. Also, check out the clean pixels on the edges when you look at the full size image. He's clipped out the image and added the chroma-key green himself.

Unknown said...

you're likely right about the lack of green screen,disposableidentity.
keen eyes, you've got.

however, with the whack of misinformation floating around, who's to say that it matters?

the easiest way to stir up a frenzy is with misinformation... phreak knows this. look at his "hacks." so, while i'm well aware that it's highly unlikely that his 'flew the coup' posts were chroma-keyed, i'm also aware that he hasn't hacked a single thing.

see my point?

HeatVision_and_Jack said...

done and done.

Anonymous said...

So it's pretty much official this is all a hoax? The MMVA's are on June 15, or 615 (Phreak615). If you pay attention during the commercials for them, you see 'phreak' holding up his '' sign and then it says MMVA'S 615.

I'm expecting him to 'hack' the MMVA's and then for the big reveal to be near the end.

Unknown said...


terrible name, buddy.

you're way too late.

check phreak's post ABOUT how he's going to hack the MMVAs...

the question is why...
and more importantly how.

but the "how" is moreso "how does much think we're this dumb?"

either way, you're too late.

Mark David said...

Okay, so now that we have a full body shot of Mr. phreak, who wants to ID him? And XJ, your pic is awesome. As is yours, HVaJ. disposableidentity, your theory appears to be spot on. We'll see if it actually happens on the 15th of June. Something tells me that this whole hacking thing might be part of some whole elaborate storyline that Much is planning on using for or during the MMVAs. It sounds right, doesn't it?

Mark David said...

For those of you that are interested, allow me to spoil what will most likely happen at the MMVAs on June 15th:

phreak615 will try to hack / sabotage the MMVAs for whatever reason. Things will keep happening which will cause things to go awry. The police will be called, and they will try to track him down. Eventually, it will all culminate in a big chase scene, where the police will catch phreak615 and unmask him. Something similar happened on New Year’s Day 1994 on YTV. If any of you were born in 1986 like me, or earlier, you might remember it. Anyway, that’s probably what’s going to happen during the MMVAs. Believe me, it’ll be more staged than something in the WWE. Thoughts?

denmax19 said...

Mad Mark, you are so right. It is very predictable about what is going to happen at the MMVA's. I just wish they would have made this a little harder for everyone to figure this out. right?

alexisonfire92 said...

what can i say?? I got bored in photography class.