Pirates will be huge this summer. Forget Zombie walks and ninjas masquerading as robots. The next big movement will be scurvy related. In fact I’m even surprised I know how to spell vegetables.
With this astute observation on today’s popular culture climate. I’m calling shotgun on Futuristic Pirates From the Future. That means pirates from a time that is in the future of a time yet to come. It also means it’s mine.
With this astute observation on today’s popular culture climate. I’m calling shotgun on Futuristic Pirates From the Future. That means pirates from a time that is in the future of a time yet to come. It also means it’s mine.
Looks like the attack of the $1.49 pirates is on. We all know you're a bit of a TV signal pirate, Mr. phreak, and we know what your capable of. Now, if only 90% of the random things you talk about made sense or were relevant, then that would be great. But alas, you can't have everything. You're a shifty one, to say the least.
oh, phreak honey.
your vagueness is nearly becoming.
that being said, i appreciate your 'attempt' at being relevant to pop culture. mark's right. give some of this randomness a point. get the show on the road. i'm getting bored. i get mischevious when i'm bored.
oops. what have we here.
i wish i wouldn't have to post these in the comments of some other guys blog. i should do something about that some time.
ta ta fa na.
He's talking about Flash mobs.
Flash mob at the mmva's?.. Random assumption (as a sad attempt to be helpful).
I'm not making any assumptions about the MMVA's... I said that this article is talking about Flash mobs.
phreak made 2 more people famous yesterday. im getting slightly jealous. not that im THAT big of a fan.
Um, more pirates means less global warming. Flying Spaghetti Monster. Believe it.
run out of things to say I presume?
The TV signal thing is getting old, and I don't even watch MuchMusic - haven't since I was younger and admittedly stupid[er] for lack of a real word.
Allow me to troll and rant
I'm not sure if its a recent thing, but MuchMusic is complete garbage. I'd like to assume that it wasn't so in the past, but I think the truth is that the channel was always quite low brow but in recent times has taken a very commercial route in hawking just about any product aimed at their core demographic - teens and tweens respectively.
What's sad is that the Chum group was bought by bell, allowing for Bell to get a competitive edge against it's main rival Rogers, who are increasingly buying up much real-estate - both terristrial and telecommunication oriented.
"What's sad is that the Chum group was bought by bell, allowing for Bell to get a competitive edge against it's main rival Rogers, who are increasingly buying up much real-estate - both terristrial and telecommunication oriented."
not to mention the fact that the purchase essentially put Much and MTV under one roof, starting the ball rolling on a continental music/pop culture channel monopoly.
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